Prince Sultan University
Center for Sustainability and Climate
Dr. Mohammad Millat-e-Mustafa
Consultant at King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Millat-e-Mustafa is a consultant at King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Millat is a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Specialist with 32 years’ experience in all phases of program and project development, monitoring, evaluation and learning. He has worked on projects in a wide range of infrastructure and social sectors, has trained and supervised multiple teams during qualitative and quantitative research for assessments and evaluation, has worked in post-conflict and emergency contexts, and has extensive experience in 31 countries of Asia, Africa, Europe, and Middle East. He is committed to promotion of capacity development as coordinated institutional, organizational, and skills development, and to fostering inclusion and social accountability by employing participatory methodologies.
Dr. Millat served the USAID ACME project in Bangladesh as a Senior Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist (2016 to present). As part of his role, he has conducted data quality assessments, developed results framework for implementing partners, reviewed MEL plans, built capacity of implementing partners, managed evaluation activities, prepared donor reports, reviewed donor level performance management plans, and conducted workgroup meetings.
Dr. Millat also served as Evaluation Manager at the Islamic Relief Worldwide (2006 to 2016), and Research Director with Birmingham Cultural and Education Center (2003 to 2006) in UK, he led the effort to institutionalize MEAL approaches in 31 countries across the globe, and focused on capacity development, long term MEAL strategy development, operational manuals and frameworks development, and also managed and conducted multi-sectoral emergency and development program evaluations, impact assessment, and research.
As Professor at the Chittagong University in Bangladesh (1990 to 2002), he taught at under and post-graduate levels (subjects: Participatory Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Livelihood, Participatory Rural Appraisal, M&E, Social Mobilization, Disaster Risk Reduction etc.), conducted research, supervised under- and post-graduate research students, attended national and international seminars, workshops and symposiums as a paper presenter, moderator and chairing the session.