نظم مكتب الامتثال والسياسات بجامعة الأمير سلطان، بقيادة الدكتورة امنة الشيخاوي، مؤخرًا ورشة عمل مفيدة للغاية بعنوان « تطوير السياسات والموافقة عليها». تهدف ورشة العمل هذه إلى تقديم رؤية قيمة...
READ MORESDG 10: Reduced inequalities
No. of first-generation students percentage will increase over 14 percent which is much handsome figure as compared to the previous decades. It would show us the awareness & results of proficient policies by government to reduce inequalities.
Students from developing countries is almost 14% of the total students which belongs to low-income level or middle-income level. With respect to international students PSU assign special quota which is increased up to 20% of the total students in all fields. With all privileges
0.3% Students were paralyzed at PSU with special treatments without any extra cost. Trying to brighten up as an equal & well-established citizen of the kingdom.
Prince Sultan University is an equal-opportunity institute that strongly prohibits all forms of discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or disabilitys
Reference: Academic Year 2019
- More than 14.6% of total number of first-generation Students at PSU Starting the first-degree.
- More than 14.2% of total number of first-generation Students from developing countries at PSU Starting the first-degree.
- 17 Students & 4 Staff with disabilities at PSU.


10.2 - First-generation students
This table shows the distribution of first-generation students at PSU.
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10.3 - Students from developing countries
This table shows the proportion of international students at all degree levels who are from low-income and lower-middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank.
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10.4 - Students and staff with disabilities
This table shows the proportion of students with disabilities
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10.5 - Measures against discrimination
Princes Sultan University has a policy-oriented to the management of the different capacities of students as well as their disabilities
Read moreNews related to SDG 10

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