من النيل إلى نجد: قصص معاصرة عن مرونة الطوب الطيني هذه المشاركة تستعرض كيف أعادت مشاريع معمارية مبتكرة في مصر والسعودية إحياء تقليد الطوب اللبن، معدمجة بين الحداثة والتراث لخلق...
READ MORESDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Prince Sultan University has been encouraging faculty members to establish external collaborations with academic and industrial partners, and currently there are several on-going collaborations. In addition, to support innovation PSU has been sponsoring patents applications. There are two published patents, and six more patents have been submitted in collaboration with Oblon patent office for application as patents in the US patent office and they are now under evaluation.
Collaboration with external partners
Several faculty members have established collaborations with international and local academic and industrial partners. Currently there are 16 on-going collaborations.
See Full Details
CDMA2020: The 6th International Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning Applications
CDMA2020 is aimed to gather students, researchers and application developers from a wide range of Data Science related fields such as data analytics, computational intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, pattern recognition, databases, Big Data and Visualization.
See Full Event
Research supported by Gaitech Robotics
PSU received research funding from Gaitech Robotics – China, for software development by the RIOTU Lab at PSU for the company.

PSU researchers were able to secure two patents, based on individual efforts and collaboration with external researchers, although the ideas were issued by PSU researchers.
US Patent 9,927,816
Platoon vehicle management
A method for controlling a plurality of vehicles to operate the plurality of vehicles in a platoon includes, within a leader vehicle selected from the plurality of vehicles:
Z Li, O Karoui, A Koubaa, M Khalgui, E Guerfala, E Tovar, N Wu
Read MoreUS20100256852A1
US Patent 10,297,353
Estimation of glucose rate of appearance, endogenous glucose production and insulin dependent glucose utilization from continuous glucose sensors and subcutaneous insulin deliver
Method and system for determining glucose flux profiles in plasma during meals using continuous glucose sensors and insulin delivery.
AA Al-Matouq
Read MoreSix more patents were submitted to US patent office and they are under evaluation.

9.1 - Research on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
PSU's scholarly publications on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure has 283 views and 3.13 citations per paper.
Read moreNews related to SDG 9

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كرم سمو الأمير الدكتور عبدالعزيز بن عياف ثلاثة فرق من قسم العمارة بكلية العمارة والتصميم بالجامعة؛ وذلك لمشاركتهن في مبادرة إستوديو التصميم العمراني لأنسنة الأحياء السكنية ضمن 15 فائزًا وفائزة...