شاركت جامعة الأمير سلطان بفخر في منتدى الجامعات الذي استضافته مدارس التربية الإسلامية بالرياض لتوجيه الطلاب في استكشاف مساراتهم الأكاديمية والمهنية. جمع الحدث أفضل الجامعات الحكومية والخاصة لعرض تخصصات متنوعة،...
READ MORESDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
UNESCO – Futures of Education

UNESCO-GEPN Stakeholders’ Consultation Series
Title: Women in Education and Employment in Saudi Arabia

UNESCO-GEPN Stakeholders’ Consultation Series
Our regular stakeholders’ consultation series discuss the agenda of UNESCO’s future of education:
- Human & planetary sustainability
- Citizenship & participation
- Knowledge, access & governance
- Work and economic security

Saudi Arabian women contribute perspectives on the futures of education, employment, and Vision 2030
Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Vision 2030 aims to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy. It emphasises equal opportunities for men and women and the goal of increasing women’s labor force participation from 22% to 30%.
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17.1 - Research on Partnerships for the Goals
PSU has 259 scholarly publications on Partnerships for the Goals that has 6,886 views, cited for 1,345 times and has 5.19 citations per paper.
Read more17.2 - Relationships to support the goals
PSU has both direct and indirect involvement in, or input into, national government SDG policy development.
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17.3 - PSU Annual Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Report 2019
PSU annually publish SDG progress report. In addition, we publish report per SDGs to track the progress.
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17.4 - Education for the SDG's
All programs of PSU have a meaningful commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs
Read moreGoal in action
News related to SDG 17

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نظم مكتب الامتثال والسياسات بجامعة الأمير سلطان، بقيادة الدكتورة امنة الشيخاوي، مؤخرًا ورشة عمل مفيدة للغاية بعنوان « تطوير السياسات والموافقة عليها». تهدف ورشة العمل هذه إلى تقديم رؤية قيمة...