فازت طالبات قسم العمارة بكلية العمارة والتصميم بالمركز الأول في معرض النساء والفتيات في مجالات العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات لعام 2025 في فئة الأبحاث المبنية على المشكلات. الطالبات المشاركات هم...
READ MORESDG 4: Quality Education
of the total number of graduates with teaching qualifications
of lifelong learning opportunities were available at PSU.
of first-generation students starting the first-degree at PSU.
Reference: Academic Year 2019
CDMA2020: The 6th International Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning Applications
CDMA2020 is aimed to gather students, researchers and application developers from a wide range of Data Science related fields such as data analytics, computational intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, pattern recognition, databases, Big Data and Visualization.
See Full Event

4.2 - Proportion of graduates with teaching qualification
In order to understand how a university is supporting early years education, this measures the proportion of university graduates who receive a degree that would enable them to teach at primary school level in their country
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4.3 - Lifelong learning measures
The PSU community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through education, research, and innovation. We are fun and quirky, inventive and artistic, obsessed with numbers, and welcoming to talented people.
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4.4 - Proportion of first-generation students
This focuses on research that is relevant to pedagogy, measuring paper views, the proportion of papers in the top 10 per cent of cited journals and the volume of research produced.
Read moreGoal in action
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