فازت طالبات قسم العمارة بكلية العمارة والتصميم بالمركز الأول في معرض النساء والفتيات في مجالات العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات لعام 2025 في فئة الأبحاث المبنية على المشكلات. الطالبات المشاركات هم...
READ MORESDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Prince Sultan University exhibits high commitment to the global blueprints designed to deliver progress, peace and prosperity for people and the planet, including preserving and sustaining the heritage of communities. As an important stakeholder, PSU contributes towards the achievement of sustainable cities and communities through various events, practices and research. It regularly organizes events and exhibitions for students and employees to promote the culture and appreciation of Saudi heritage.
The strong commitment can be witnessed from the type of support provided in events related to arts and heritage and the sustainable practices followed for sustainable commuting, remote working for employees, affordable housing, buildings to sustainable standards etc. Moreover, the integration of sustainability as an important topic is endorsed in our curriculum, research and outreach.
Promoting Arabic Language & Culture
PSU organized several sessions of Arabic Language Analysis workshops. The workshops targeted females from society interested in knowing more of Arabic as a Language. The main aim was to raise awareness of our culture among society. The attendees from the public were glad and gratitude to find an academic venue as PSU where they can share their interest in Arabic Language Knowledge.
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Art Promo Exhibition
Sustainable Development Symposium/Workshop
PSU’s College of Engineering organized a workshop entitled Partnership and Sustainable Development Goals in cooperation with the Saudi Green Building Forum and the United Nations in December 2019
PSU Eco team in Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2019
The commissioning of PSU Eco-Car
On-track, teams battle it out in the mileage challenge, competing within vehicle categories and energy classes to see which vehicle can travel the furthest on the least amount of energy. PSU Eco team participated in Shell Eco Marathon Asia in April 2019.
Green Building & LEED Certification
Green Building was a lecture in a form of forum organized by ID Department in collaboration with CSCEC. It was implemented on two stages; the first one was a conducted LEED course presented by PSU alumni for four days. The next stage was organizing a forum where PSU welcomed a guest speaker. He was the Vice President of the US Green Building Council (USGBC) who highlighted the next step in sustainability which aligns with the 2030 Environmental Sustainability Vision. Then the main goal was to raise awareness and to inform the community about the professional knowledge regarding the KSA Green Building Industry. Followed by PSU presentation about LEED, presented by Tae Yi, PSU faculty member. At the end of the forum, LEED certifications were distributed to the participants.

Celebrations on Saudi National Day
PSU celebrates the Saudi National day (23rd September) every year with students and employees. This promotes and supports the Saudi art, heritage and culture.

Participation in the Saudi Design Week
A field trip to Saudi Design Week organized by the Interior Design Department for students and faculty members. Source: The Interior Design Department Outreach Committee.

Field trip to Asir
A trip organized by the Interior Design Department for students and faculty members to Asir to strengthen their understanding and appreciation for the culture and the Saudi Heritage. Source: The Interior Design Department outreach committee, 2020.


11.1 - Research on sustainable cities and communities
PSU's research papers related to sustainable cities and communities has 455 views and 1.5 citations per paper.
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11.2 - Support of arts and heritage
The university participates in events related to Saudi culture and heritage.
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11.4 - Sustainable practices
The university offers bus shuttle service for faculty members living on different university housings
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News related to SDG 11

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