نظم المكتب الوطني لإدارة البيانات ومكتب الامتثال والقانون منتدى في 18 يناير 2023م لإعطاء فكرة عن المكتب وزيادة الوعي بشأن المهام الرئيسة للمكتب الوطني لإدارة البيانات في إطار مسؤوليته عن...
READ MORESDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Proportion of Law Graduates at PSU
Proportion of Bachelors of Law Graduates at PSU
Reference: Academic Year 2019
PSU won 1st place in the Pleading Competition organized by the Law Club of King Saud University in cooperation with the Saudi Bar Association
The Pleading Competition was organized by the Law Club of King Saud University in cooperation with the Saudi Bar Association. The cases of the competition were in various branches of the law. PSU team won first place, scoring 93 out of 100.
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PSU's College of Law Arbitration Moot Program
Students participating in the moot program foremost acquire practical research skills for a professional environment, persuasive legal writing styles and advocacy skills. The students will have a better understanding of the key concepts underpinning contracts for the international sale of goods and international commercial arbitration.
See Full Program Details
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (Ministry of Labor Attends the E4E Graduation)
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (Ministry of Labor) attends the Education for Employment (E4E) Program graduation ceremony. This activity is part of the Community Service and Continuing Education Center (CSCEC) as a way to address the challenges in employment in the Kingdom.
See Full EventThe Governor of Riyadh attends the PSU Class of 2019 Graduation
The Governor of Riyadh congratulates the PSU Graduates Class of 2019.

16.1 - Research on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
PSU's scholarly publications on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions has 526 views, cited for 176 times and has 7.33 citations per paper.
Number of views
Number of citations
Citations Per Paper
PSU's scholarly publications on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions has 526 views, cited for 176 times and has 7.33 citations per paper.

16.2 - University Governance Measures
Prince Sultan University’s measure in governance includes an elected representation on the university’s governing body and recognition of a student’s union.
Read morePrince Sultan University’s measure in governance includes an elected representation on the university’s governing body and recognition of a student’s union. It also includes policies to engage local stakeholders and policies that support academic freedom. The University takes measures to fight corruption and to combat bribery through the principles on organized crime, corruption, and bribery. The university is also transparent in publishing its financial data.
The University Student Council is an elected representative of the University’s student body which is guided by the Deanship of Student Affairs.
At PSU, student representations are done by the university student council, wherein representatives from the preparatory year level and undergraduate level students are nominated. The University Student Council meets with the higher management regularly to address the student needs.
In addition to that, the university has student clubs where different activities, supported by the Deanship of Student Council and their respective colleges, are done.
For more information please visit: https://www.psu.edu.sa/DSA-student-council
The university has a written Policy on Stakeholders Participation which in all colleges and departments assign external stakeholders in their boards. They have regular meetings to discuss challenges and give updates on the current job market.
The University engages the stakeholders in the teaching and learning process. Colleges and departments identify the members of the advisory boards. The boards are approved by the University Council and they meet regularly to discuss the academic programs and to give their feedback on the job market needs.
Principles on Corruption and Bribery was drafted which tackles the prevention of corruption and bribery for leadership, faculty members, and students.
An Academic Freedom Policy was drafted to address the academic freedom of faculty members. The university also has other policies such as course design policy, curriculum review development policy, code of conduct, integrity policy, IP policy, and student achievement policy to support academic freedom.
At PSU, there are available opportunities for the faculty members where they can develop their research.
For more information please visit: https://www.psu.edu.sa/UNESCO-futures-of-education
The University publishes its financial data.

16.3 - Working with Government
The university works hand in hand with the government to provide expert advice and outreach at the national and local levels.
Read moreThe university works hand in hand with the government to provide expert advice and outreach at the national and local levels. In addition, the university undertakes policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments and provide a neutral platform for political stakeholders to discuss challenges.
The university, with its qualified faculty members, participates and provides expert advice to the government.
PSU has the Community Service and Continuing Education Center (CSCEC) to handle community service and continuing education of the community.
Through the Education for Employment(E4E) program, the university is very active in promoting service to the community, contacting various government institutions as well as the industry to gather resources and their needs.
Faculty members and the Center for Local Governance collaborate with the government departments as well as other organizations, contributing to policymakers through their research expertise.
The university has a constant discussion with various government agencies to provide support and address the current needs of its stakeholders

16.4 - Graduates in Law and Enforcement Related Courses
Read moreProportion of graduates in law
Number of graduates
Number of total graduates from Law
Reference: Academic Year 2019
Goal in action
16.2.1: Elected Representation
Evidence 1: Student Council Regulations
The University has a student Council, which is an elected representative body guided by the Deanship of Students Affairs. The university relies on the student Council representatives to give them feedback on teaching and learning and also the main challenges encountered by the students during their journey.
Evidence 2: Student Council Practices
Samples of the nomination form, meetings, activities, and flyers for the student council.
Evidence Link
Evidence 3: Student Representation Council Policy
The policy for the student council is available and acts as the governing rules and regulation that is applied to the student council.
16.2.2: Students' Union
Evidence 1: Student Council Regulations
As mentioned in the Student Council Regulation (Article 4), the student council shall represent the preparatory year and undergraduate students before the university management, serve the students, and express their views.
As mentioned in the Student Council Regulation (Article 30), a meeting with higher management will be done twice a year.
Evidence 2: Student Clubs
The university has student clubs. It is an avenue where students can express their views that can be addressed by the university. The Student Clubs are supervised by the Deanship of Student Affairs together with some faculty members.
16.2.3: Identify and Engage with Local Stakeholders
Evidence 1: UNESCO-GEPN Stakeholders’ Consultation
The local community, as part of the stakeholders of the university, is engaged in various activities such as consultations, seminars and workshops, and other meetings.
Evidence 2: College/Program Advisory Board
Sample College and Program level advisory board meetings that are done together with their stakeholders
16.2.4: Participatory Bodies for Stakeholder Engagement
Evidence 1: College/Program Advisory Board
Sample College and Program level advisory board meetings that are done together with their stakeholders
Evidence 2: UNESCO-GEPN Stakeholders’ Consultation
The local community, as part of the stakeholders of the university, participates and are engaged in various activities such as consultations, seminars and workshops, and other meetings.
16.2.5: University Principles on Corruption and Bribery
Evidence 1: Principles on corruption and bribery
There is an available principle on corruption and bribery is used as a guideline for the university leadership, faculty members, and students.
Evidence 2: Memo from higher management
The higher management provides constant reminders to all faculty concerning bribery in any form.
16.2.6: Academic Freedom Policy
Evidence 1: Research Labs
Available research labs for faculty members to do their research to enhance their application
Evidence 2: Faculty Activities
Through various Research Groups and Labs, faculty at PSU organized and attended activities such as Symposiums and UNESCO-GEPN Stakeholders’ Consultations.
16.2.7: Publish Financial data
Evidence 1: PSU Economic Sustainability 2019 Report
PSU established an effective financial planning and management control system to sustain the programs and services offered and efficiently managed in keeping with program requirements and institutional priorities. The university also has an efficient budgetary and forecasting process, financial delegations and accountability to ensure suppleness, institutional oversight and risk management. Regarding this process, the university prepares the annual master budget, annual report and interim report, and engages stakeholders including senior management, faculty members and admin staff.
16.3.1: Provide Expert Advice to Government
Evidence 1: G20 and NCAAA Participation
Through the university's faculty qualification, faculty members were invited to certain organizations such as the G20 and the NCAAA, to attend their workshops and provide their expertise in their field.
Evidence Link
Evidence 2: Collaboration with Government
Two Law Faculty members, Dr. Maha AlMaiman and Dr. Ghafoon AlYemi have been appointed in the Higher Commission of Human Rights by Royal Decree to serve for 4 years. A woman From Prince Sultan University has been appointed among the 13 women, which is a major step in furthering women empowerment in the country. The Saudi leadership support and guidance will promote and consolidate human rights for the benefit of Saudis and expats.
Prince Sultan University has established a cooperation with many ministries, such as the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the ministry of Education, Saudi SME’s. The cooperation consists of offering training programs, which focuses on providing Ministries staff, the knowledge and the tools needed to do their jobs competently
Prince Sultan University offers the Ministry of Education, experts, trainers, and reviewers to train and review the programs for accreditation.
Evidence Link
Evidence 3: Center for Local Governance
The Center for Local Governance provides specific activities to contribute to cooperation, coordination, exchange of experience, and development of performance. The center also represents the Kingdom in international forums related to the local administration to be able to meet the actual needs of the local administration system.
16.3.2: Provide outreach to national and local government
Evidence 1: PSU CSCEC
The Community Service and Continuing Education Center (CSCEC) website contains all information on the center description and its activities.
Evidence 2: PSU CSCEC Events and Activities
The university, through its colleges and programs, helps the community have trainings, workshops, and seminars, such as Law Exhibition, GAZAT, Arabic Analysis, and Quran Analysis.
Evidence Link
Evidence 3: PSU CSCEC Contracts/Certificates
The university then acts as the hub for members of the community to apply for scholarships to study and help them get certifications required for their jobs.
Evidence Link
16.3.3: Undertake policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments
Evidence 1: G20 and NCAAA Participation
A faculty from the College of Law are invited to collaborate and discuss the plans for the new T20 to enhance research collaboration on how coronavirus-related policies are evolving in this challenging environment.
Under Saudi Arabia's G20 presidency in 2020, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) and King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) is coordinating the activities of the Think20 (T20) Saudi Arabia. The T20 is the G20 think tank engagement group, bringing together organizations and researchers from around the world to write policy briefs to support the G20 priorities for 2020.
Evidence Link
Evidence 2: Collaboration with Government
Two Law Faculty Dr. Maha AlMaiman and Dr. Ghafoon AlYemi have been appointed in the Higher Commission of Human Rights by Royal Decree to serve for 4 years. One woman From Prince Sultan University has been appointed among the 13 women, a major step in furthering women empowerment in the country. The Saudi leadership support and guidance will promote and consolidate human rights for the benefit of Saudis and expats.
Prince Sultan University offers the Ministry of Education, experts, trainers, and reviewers to train and review the programs for accreditation.
Evidence Link
Evidence 3: Center for Local Governance
The Center for Local Governance, through their focus on Public Policy, provides analysis on the policies which are relevant to local governance.
16.3.4: Provide a neutral platform for political stakeholders to discuss challenges
Evidence 1: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (Ministry of Labor Visit)
The idea of the program Education for Employment (E4E) started in 2007 with the establishment and the implementation of the first academy in partnership with CISCO in 2008. A second academy started in 2010 with 40 trainees by CISCO and 60 trainees by Oracle. Then Three academies CISCO, SAP, and Microsoft joined to train 110 male students and 70 female students and it was in 2012-2013 that Huawei joined to train 267 male trainees and 68 female trainees.
A Prince Sultan program “Education for Employment(E4E)” was established and the graduates from this program were employed by CISCO and Microsoft.
The video is about the 6th batch of 168 trainees who graduated in 2018-19.
In 2020, 335 graduated from the program and more companies join to train the students to get employed and the results are very satisfactory.
Video Link:
Evidence Link:
Evidence 2: Governor of Riyadh Visit
The Governor of Riyadh attends and congratulates the PSU Graduates of Class 2019.
Video Link:
Evidence Link:
Evidence 3: Memorandum of Understanding with Sultan Bin Abdulaziz charity Association
This video is about the celebration of the memorandum of understanding between Sultan Ben Abdulaziz Charity Association and Prince Sultan University to accomplish the following:
1) Scholarships for the excellent students
2) Enhancement of research
3) Encouraging outstanding students and giving them a priority for grants to study abroad.
Video Link:
Evidence Link:
16.2.3: Policies to engage local stakeholders
# | Name of Policy | Actions |
1 | Stakeholders Involvement Policy |
8.2.4: Policy supporting academic freedom
# | Name of Policy | Actions |
1 | Academic Freedom Policy |