كان من دواعي سرور ممثلي جامعة الأمير سلطان من كلية العمارة والتصميم المشاركة في المؤتمر و المعرض الدولي للبناء المستدام الذي أقيم في مركز معارض في واجهة الرياض في الفترة...
READ MORESDG 5: Gender Equality
Proportion of First Generation Women Starting a First Degree
Proportion of Women
in Senior Positions
First Degree Graduates - STEM
First Degree Graduates - Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Reference: Academic Year 2019
Proportion of women in senior positions is 47%. Moreover, female students represents 46% from the STEM programs graduates and 75% from the HUMANITIES program graduates.
PSU WiDS Forum, 2019
The PSU Women in Data Science (WiDS) forum aims to promote a higher representation of women in data science and expose the latest data science research and practices in the Arab Middle East. Prince Sultan University represented by the CCIS organized the third Women in Data Science (WiDS) forum,2019.
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5.2 - Proportion of first-generation female students
PSU’s total number of students for academic year 2019 is 5,442. The number of students starting a degree is 518 while the number of first generation students starting a degree is 76.
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5.3 - Student access measures
PSU systematically tracks and has clear policies for application, acceptance and completion rates for female students. PSU also provides appropriate women’s access schemes and encourages applications in areas where women are under-represented.
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5.4 - Proportion of senior female academics
In PSU, women hold important senior positions at different levels. PSU has a total number of 829 employees, including 395 academic staff.
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5.5 - Proportion of women receiving degrees
PSU has a total of 753 graduates in 2018-2019. In STEM, the total number of graduates is 223, among whom 103 are women which represents 46.2%.
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5.6 - Women’s progress measures
PSU has well-established policies for non-discrimination against women, for maternity and paternity and for protecting the rights of those reporting cases of discrimination.
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